Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Site of Scientific Interest

This afternoon's blog looks at the confirmation of Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast as a Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI).
This afternoon's blog looks at the confirmation of Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast as a Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI).
On today's blog we hear about Therese Coffey's interview on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme about funding to redistribute surplus food and how Defra have appointed six new academic fellows to inform policy making.
In this blog we are looking at Kevin Pietersen’s BBC podcast on trophy hunting and the IPBES report and Call4Nature letter.
In today's blog we're looking at the government urging organisations and individuals to ‘Step up to the Plate’ to cut food waste and a study on the estimated cost of ash dieback.
Response to the Telegraph's online piece on Natural England's handling of general licences for shooting some wild birds
Pret have introduced their new allergen plan and the Committee on Climate Change have published a report on the UK’s contribution to stopping global warming, which recommends the UK adopts a target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
We look into the new legislation announced today stopping circus operators in England from being able to use wild animals as part of a travelling circus.
We look at coverage of a University of Plymouth study on biodegradable plastic bags, and the Times on access to National Parks
Today we respond to inaccurate claims about Natural England's new Chair, Tony Juniper. We also look at alarmist reporting of Oak Processionary Moth.
Today's blog looks at media coverage of general licences for shooting and provides Natural England's response.
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