There has been media coverage today regarding the EU’s change in approach to the import of live bivalve molluscs (LBMs). The coverage follows comments on this issue by the Environment Secretary to an evidence session of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee.
In today's blog we look at recent media coverage of the frequency of at sea inspections of fishing vessels since the end of the transition period.
In today's blog we look at coverage of the Marine Management Organisation's formal consultation seeking views on proposals to manage activity in four of England’s offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
In today's blog we look at coverage of our announcement of up to £23m to support fishing businesses.
The Government took action to end the practice of pulse trawling by EU and English-registered vessels in February 2019 which took effect at the end of the transition period.
The Scottish government and the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation have raised concerns over the UK-EU agreement.
We look at coverage of the Environment Audit Committee’s new ‘Sustainable Seas’ report and the announcement of new movement restrictions on wood to protect against the tree pest – the larger eight-toothed spruce bark beetle.
On the blog today we look at the launch of the campaign which urges people to trust their vets on the use of antibiotics, the news that plastic pollution in UK seas has fallen since the introduction of the 5p …
On the blog today we cover the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, new recycling statistics, North Sea fishing negotiations, coverage on air quality, and the Environment Agency's Exercise Carta Flame. apply. The new offers aim to help more farmers get back into agri-environment schemes, with options popular with farmers on the old ELS schemes brought to the fore in...