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Defra Press Office

Tuesday 12 December: Environment Secretary publishes bill to strengthen animal welfare and Plastic pollution

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An image of Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, at Battersea Dog and Cat home mechanism addressing catastrophic environmental degradation, including a £1.5m programme addressing ocean plastic. It also provides £7.6m to the World Bank’s Pollution Management and Environmental Health Programme, which helps to...

Tuesday 5 December: Back the fight against puppy smugglers , Marine plastic, RSPB State of the Birds report, Boston Barrier the New Chief Vet and the Environment Secretary visits Arla

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An image of a dog sat on a pile of leaves

Today's blog includes tips for buying a puppy, an update on what the government is doing to combat marine plastics, highlights from the RSPB's state of the UK's birds report, the announcement of the Boston Barrier flood defence the appointment of a new Chief Veterinary Officer and the Environment Secretary has been to the Arla dairy.

Monday 4 December: ‘Blue Belt’ extended to protect rare seabirds and Chief Vet’s comments on different poultry systems

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An image of a Sandwich tern eating a fish in mid-flight

...While Nigel’s original comments clearly note that indoor production helps to manage disease outbreaks, much of this weekend’s coverage failed to acknowledge the difference between battery cages, which were banned...

Thursday 30 November: New Farming Rules for Water, Marine Plastic Waste, Simplified Countryside Stewardship

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An image of a white plastic bag floating in the sea apply. The new offers aim to help more farmers get back into agri-environment schemes, with options popular with farmers on the old ELS schemes brought to the fore in...