From our landmark plans to deliver a cleaner, greener country, to the billions of pounds made available to improve nature and support communities, businesses and food producers across the country – we’ve been busy delivering on our commitment to leave …
There has been widespread national, regional and trade coverage of Defra’s announcement this week that marine habitats and wildlife are set to receive the highest levels of protection as the government announces the first three Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) …
Funding will be targeted at eligible communities where 10 or more properties have flooded twice or more in the last 10 years, helping to both accelerate existing projects and deliver new ones.
There has been positive coverage today of the official opening of the £38 million upgrade to the Foss Barrier in York which will better protect 2,000 properties in the city and make it more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Among the 50 projects successful in the second round of the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund include those to restore and rewet peatlands, create green urban spaces and improve flood resilience.
On today's blog we look at coverage around the development of a world-first, environmentally-friendly technique for catching scallops - supported by the UK Government’s Seafood Innovation Fund.