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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

UK raises concerns with EU over shellfish exports

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Bowl of MusselsToday (8 February 2021), Environment Secretary George Eustice wrote to the EU commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, regarding the EU’s change in position on the export of live bivalve molluscs (oysters, mussels, clams, cockles and scallops).

The UK considers that the export of live bivalve molluscs from class B waters can be made in line with the regulations set out by the European Commission and had previously been provided with a draft Export Health Certificate by the commission to enable this trade to resume completely from April 2021.

Responding to an urgent question in the House of Common’s today, the Environment Secretary referenced the long-standing trade in live bivalve molluscs to the EU from UK waters. This trade has benefitted both the UK shellfish industry and EU restaurants and retailers who rely on these premium products from the UK.

In his letter to Commissioner Kyriakides, George Eustice made clear that the UK Government saw no scientific or technical justification for this change and his “grave concerns” about the change in position and its impact on UK fishermen and European businesses alike.

The UK Government is now seeking urgent resolution of this matter with the European Commission and has offered to provide reasonable additional reassurances to demonstrate shellfish health, on the understanding the Commission must recognise the existing high standards and history of trade between the UK and the EU.

Despite the latest disruption to the export class B live bivalve molluscs, they can continue to be exported to the EU if they’re harvested from Class A waters or cleaned, or have cleared end product testing in the UK.

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  1. Comment by Michael Heylin OBE posted on

    Does the government really not understand that leave means leave and the UK is now a third country to the EU and is treated as such. You can't leave and stay in the club, the government decided what it wanted and obviously lost the concept somewhere between its mouth and its brain. All shellfish from third countries into the EU must be cleaned and processed before crossing the border. Spin it how you like, the UK screwed up in the negotiations because no one was taking any real notice simply chasing the headline to satisfy Boris.

  2. Comment by Ruth Griffiths posted on

    what I dont understand ,is if these shellfish have been exported toeurope for years without all these addditional precautions ,cleaning etc ,then WHATS CHANGED !,Presumably they are going in the same condition now as they were before !Sounds like they are being deliberately awkward .Maybe the uk should make it difficult for fresh produce to come into the uk demanding different arrangements for say lettuce etc from spain!!!