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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

New funding for tree planting as National Tree Week comes to a close

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Image of trees being planted by two people.

To mark the end of National Tree Week, on 5 December we announced £3.9 million to fund innovative tree planting schemes which will see hundreds of thousands of new trees planted, including in towns and cities and near rivers to reduce flood risk. Community nurseries, agroforestry and hedgerow management schemes are being supported by a £2.5 million fund from the Treasury and a further £1.4 million has been awarded to the Environment Agency to fund ‘woodlands for water’ – 15 projects to plant over 850,000 trees that will protect around 160km of river and help to reduce the risk of flooding to over 500 properties.

This announcement received positive coverage including in the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and the Independent. This has also been reported in the Evening Express, Yorkshire Post and Farming UK.

Also in celebration of this year’s National Tree Week, on 6 December we announced £12 million of new funding from the Nature For Climate Fund for Community Forests to plant over 500 hectares of trees. The new programme - Trees for Climate - will see trees planted in 10 Community Forests across the country over the next five months. When mature, the trees will eventually store over 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, playing an important role in the meeting the government’s net zero emissions by 2050 target.

This has received largely positive coverage including in the Sunday Telegraph, the Independent and Metro. It was also covered regionally and in trade titles such as Manchester Evening News, Western Morning News, The Argus, the Yorkshire Post, and Horticulture Week.

These announcements will help meet the government’s commitment to increase planting to 30,000 hectares per year across the UK by 2025. Government recently consulted on a new England Tree Strategy to accelerate tree planting and improve the management of our existing trees and woodlands.

The £640 million Nature for Climate fund will help us deliver the English portion of Government’s manifesto tree planting commitment, alongside peatland restoration and nature recovery. The Prime Minister also recently announced a further £40 million additional investment into the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund – this will go towards creating and retaining thousands of jobs in the environmental sector.

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  1. Comment by John Baxter posted on

    Just read about the River Lugg in Hereford and wondering why we spend money got the EA to plant trees by the river to then have arguments over who is responsible in sssi areas for the management of watercourses and vegetation therein.
    When I proposed slowing down the flow in the Pickering Beck water catchment area to reduce the risk of flooding in its lower watercourse I could not believe the fragmentation that existed between National Parks, EA, North Yorkshire County Council and the paymaster in London......disfunctional comes to mind.

  2. Comment by William Hughes-Games posted on

    For many, but not all species, you can get a lot more bang for your buck by truncheoning rather than from the production and planting of seedlings. Simply, in the spring when there is lots of moisture in the soil, cut down an appropriate tree, cut the whole tree, from the smallest branches to the trunk into for-arm length pieces. Put them into the back of a pick up truck covered with wet hessian and drive to the planting location. Drive them into the ground about a third of their length. Gently stripping the bark off a thin strip on the part that will be buried will aid root growth. For the small diameter pieces, drive a steel bar into the soil until you have an appropriate depth hole, drop in the branch and heel in. Protect from deer and rabbits if necessary. This may not make the nursery operators happy but you can establish far more trees this way for a given amount of money.