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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Farm Payments Bill introduced to Parliament

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Rolling hills with woodland and hedges separating various fields
English countryside

There is coverage today on FarmingUK, The Pig Site, and the Belfast Newsletter of the introduction of the Direct Payments to Farmers (Legislative Continuity) (DPLC) Bill to Parliament yesterday.

This Bill will provide continuity for farmers across all four corners of the UK by ensuring that government across the UK have powers to administer direct payments to farmers for 2020.

It follows the Chancellor’s recent announcement confirming the same level of funding for direct payments for 2020 as for 2019.

After this, the Agriculture Bill will provide a new system of farm support, moving away from direct payments in England towards an approach where farmers are paid public money for the ‘public goods’ they produce – such as enhancing air and water quality, tackling climate change or improving animal welfare.

A Defra spokesperson said:

Leaving the EU means we can take back control of agricultural policy and fund our own farm payments domestically.

“The Agriculture Bill, which will shortly be returning to the Commons, will see us move towards a new system that rewards farmers for enhancing the environment and producing the food we all enjoy in a sustainable way.

“The legislation we have introduced today enables us to make Direct Payments to farmers for the 2020 scheme year– giving much-welcomed certainty to our farmers and food producers.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by Buddy Butler posted on

    Great! A Tory government giving taxpayer funded hand-outs to farmers.

    Even Jeremy Corbyn would not do that.