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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Vet medicines and Minister Goodwill's visit to the River Ouse

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Veterinary Medicines and EU Exit

An image of a Jack Russell dog lying on a pet bed with a cat leaning down against it.

The issue of veterinary medicines was covered this morning on  BBC Radio Four’s Today Programme.

This included an interview with the RSPCA who raised concerns about delays to the supply of these medicines in the event of a no-deal Exit.

There was also an interview with a supply business urging their customers, including vet practices, not to start buying more medicines.

A Government spokesperson said:

Ensuring the continued supply of veterinary medicines is a top priority in our EU Exit planning for a no deal scenario.

Veterinary medicines have been prioritised for space on government ferries. We are also working with industry on the use of alternative routes.

Minister Goodwill cuts the ribbon on new fish passage scheme

An image of Minister Goodwill cutting the ribbon for the new fish passage scheme.

The Fisheries Minister Robert Goodwill yesterday (7 March) opened a new project to improve salmon migration on the River Ouse. The story received positive online and broadcast media coverage from outlets including BBC Radio York, the York Press and the Yorkshire Post.

The new fish pass at Linton-on-Ouse will enable salmon and other migratory fish, including trout and eels, to bypass a weir which has been an obstacle to their spawning grounds.

The project, which forms part of a wider hydropower station scheme, also presents a number of benefits for the local community - providing a source of green energy and a new recreational facility for paddlers and canoeists. This scheme includes a new fish-friendly hydropower turbine, whose diameter of 5m (15ft) makes it the widest in the world.

Fisheries Minister Robert Goodwill said:

I was delighted to open the Linton Lock fish pass today and I would like to thank our partners for their work on finding solutions to contribute to the recovery of salmon stocks.

It is only through continuing to take concerted action, and through the co-operation of others, that we will successfully protect this iconic fish for future generations.

The scheme is a partnership between the Canal and Rivers Trust, Linton Hydro Ltd, British Canoeing, Sport England, Nun Monkton Estate and Environment Agency.

Pat O’Brien, Environment Agency fisheries technical specialist, said:

This is a fantastic partnership scheme that provides many positive environmental outcomes.

The hydropower station offers a source of green energy, it provides a new recreational facility for canoeists at a location close to York and fish passage for all species at no cost to the public purse.

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