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Tuesday 27 February: Historic opportunity for farmers, Animals in circuses, Fly-tipping in the countryside and the Deposit return scheme (DRS)

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An image of zebras and camels

On today's blog, we take a look at a potential ban on wild animals in circuses, fly-tipping of illegal waste in the countryside and wrapping up today's blog with look at the deposit return scheme.

Tuesday 20 February: NFU Conference, State of the Environment report, Thérèse Coffey in Paris and more

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An image of green farm land on a summers day

Secretary of State speaks at NFU conference Secretary of State has addressed attendees and delegates at this year’s NFU Conference in Birmingham, discussing a number of issues close to the hearts and minds of farmers ahead of the consultation paper …

Thursday 15 February: Canada visit, waste incineration, air quality and Supreme Court ruling

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Minister Coffey meets Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna.

On today's blog we look at Minister Coffey's visit to Canada to discuss how we can turn the tide on plastic use; we respond to coverage on councils incinerating waste; we examine newly released emission statistics and we set out the Environment Agency's response to a Supreme Court ruling.